How are documentaries about drugs where they interview drug dealers who wear masks to hide their identity made? How The National Geo or Vice, for example, get in contact with those people and why they agree to get on the camera and risk getting caught?


How are documentaries about drugs where they interview drug dealers who wear masks to hide their identity made? How The National Geo or Vice, for example, get in contact with those people and why they agree to get on the camera and risk getting caught?

In: Other

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some drug dealers like to be admired in their communities and when that wears off, they want to be famous like Pablo Escobar. Some got born into drug business and simply can never get out, but want their story be heard to warn others.

There’s was a interview trending on YT “the man who ruined football” about a guy who was fixing matches for years, made $6M and lost all in gambling. Yes somehow agreed to do a full on interview with his face and voice unedited like he was some kind of celebrity to be admired.

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