How are dust bunnies formed? And if they’re dust bunnies, why aren’t they layers of hardened dust? How do they become so cottony soft?


How are dust bunnies formed? And if they’re dust bunnies, why aren’t they layers of hardened dust? How do they become so cottony soft?

In: Other

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A lot of what we generically call “dust” is small fibers. Hair, shed fiber from clothing, that sort of thing. Dust bunnies are generally going to be bits of those fibers with have clung together and picked up more particulate dust along the way. That means the structure is really loose and mostly air. It doesn’t weigh enough to compact itself, so it stay loose and fluffy over time, too.

It’s also worth noting that while you may think of dust as being something gritty like sand it’s actually mostly organic. Things like shed skin cells. So it’s not like it’s going to be sandpaper held together by bits of hair where it would be all gritty.