How are hackers able to find such complicated exploits?


How are hackers able to find such complicated exploits?

In: Technology

44 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lots of ways… But the juicy ones are mistakes in code that can be boiled down to something like this.

Lets say you have a bowl of lego on the table, someone can put lego in and you can take lego out one brick at a time and you can’t see inside the bowl because you’re not tall enough, each brick colour corresponds to doing something… Let’s say red means brush your teeth, and blue means go play xbox.

Now say you dump an entire bag of lego into the bowl when no one is looking so that the bowl is now full, if someone adds more lego to the bowl it just falls on the table… You can see the table though so you just pick up the blue lego and go play xbox.

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