How are hackers able to find such complicated exploits?


How are hackers able to find such complicated exploits?

In: Technology

44 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You try all the doors and ground floor windows. If that doesn’t work you lock for the hide-a-key rock that the local Home Depot sells. If that doesn’t work you look for easily climbed parts of the house and unlocked second story windows. If that doesn’t work you start getting creative and seeing if maybe you can impersonate a meter reader or some other ruse to get in.

It’s just a matter of trying different things (using known exploits, vulnerbilites, default passwords, security holes like strong networks (but some jackass has a web enabled coffee pot that you can get onto the network through using “admin” and “password”). Are they running old code on their websites that has known vulns? Do you know their employee email addresses and can you send them off-the self viruses to let you in?

The first thing you might try (checking doors) is simply looking for their employee login and trying known default accounts, and employee names and common passwords. Then you might start checking their publicly facing websites for known vulnerabilities. Then maybe (using automated software) you start scanning their home network for open or easily entered connections. Maybe their home network is great, but a branch is weaker.

Once something cracks, either an IoT device isn’t properly secured, you get an employee login, you get on their network another way (maybe it was as easy as sitting in the parking lot and looking for free wifi or running wifi password cracking software on a poorly secured wifi) what you do would depend on what you’re after.

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