How are hackers able to find such complicated exploits?


How are hackers able to find such complicated exploits?

In: Technology

44 Answers

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A program that runs in a computer for example can be broken down into instructions. There are other programs out there called disassemblers that can show these instructions and in some cases provide a human readable description such as: here are the instructions that are followed when a user copies and pastes. By analysing the code a hacker might see that there is no check done on the amount of information that is copied. The hacker may then see or deduce what happens when they exploit this oversight. In some particular case it might be that copying a specific set of symbols that appear to make no sense can actually change the outcome of the perviously mentioned instructions by overwriting the programs instructions with the information copied. These new “hacked” instructions may then do malicious things like download nadsty programs

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