How are items manufactured with such precision, when it requires a machine with precise parts to manufacture the items (which presumably requires another machine to produce it’s parts)? Does everything eventually trace back to handmade parts or tools?


How are items manufactured with such precision, when it requires a machine with precise parts to manufacture the items (which presumably requires another machine to produce it’s parts)? Does everything eventually trace back to handmade parts or tools?

In: 9

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As someone who has slight experience with this I can tell you you’re kinda right. We build systems that can allow us to observe what we made though and that’s how we really determine accuracy. Of course all these systems rely on the best of the best from the previous generations and TONS of testing, but we’re at a point where those original tools and equations we use have become so good that they’ve allowed us to make better versions essentially. It’s hard to explain without going through a specific piece of tech and it’s iterations.

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