how are mini computers are build using Redstone in Minecraft?

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Recently I heard that there was a player (I forgot the name) who has made a simple Minecraft in Minecraft. How does that work?

In: Other

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In your home or apartment go up to a light switch and turn it on and off. There’s two “states” either the light is on or off. Let’s associate these states with 1 for on and 0 for off. Now go to every light in your home and set them all to random states of off and on.

Now for simplicity let’s say you had only 8 lights in your house total. We will order the lights into a list 8 digits long ex: 11001110. Where the first digit ALWAYS represents the status of your bedroom light, the second always your kitchen, etc. For example if your bedroom and kitchen light were on and none of the other 6 were on, the order would look like 11000000. Bedroom light off, kitchen light on, everything else off: 01000000.

Imagine these are just words that you would use in a sentence. What you just created was a single instruction to a computer. The computer reads those 8 digits as “words” and that’s how you communicate with the computer. Set those digits to another order, remembering that each digit always represents their respective light switch, and you have a different word. The computer is “reading” your whole house at once 8 digits at a time.

Your tv is the same way. Your tv is constantly getting a code for whether or not every single individual pixel should be on or not and what numerical value of red green and blue the pixel should be. Most commonly this rate is 60 times a second. That’s what the 60Hz refresh rate means. The tv is interpreting and applying that code 60 times a second to give you what appears to be a moving picture.

This design is used in practically everything with electricity.

Back to the Minecraft example. The red stone in Minecraft acts as the same as the light switch example above. Allowing the user to switch between 2 states. In the game this is normally used simply as cutting lights on or off but by allowing the user to do it automatically vs manually hitting a switch. Since the base concept is the same as the light switch example above, and since the light switch example is an incredibly simple computer concept, all it takes is an incredible amount of time and effort to create a functioning computer in the game.

Let me know I need to clarify anything more clearly

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