How are movie budgets prepared? Do they have excess or is it very strict?


How are movie budgets prepared? Do they have excess or is it very strict?

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They’re prepared like any other budget. You get a sense of what you want, and how long you think it should take, and you crunch the numbers for prices. There’s a negotiation between the team working on the movie and the higher ups over the budget, with a compromise being reached.

Whether or not there’s any “give” in the budget depends on the relationship between the movie team and the money men. It also depends what kind of movie it is and how much money the movie is expected to make.

If the Russo Brothers asked for another $10 million when they were making Avengers Endgame, Disney would give it to them. If you’re working on an arthouse film and ask for a couple million more, you’re gonna have to have a damn good reason.