How are parrots able to replicate human speech?


How are parrots able to replicate human speech?

In: 7

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Parrots have something called a syrinx, which an incredibly articulate organ near their trachea. This, coupled with their intelligence, allows them to remember and replicate a large number of sounds.

Fun story, my aunt keeps several parrots as pets. One of them, named Ruby, she was training to make animal noises, as a bit of a party trick. Only, Ruby ended up learning the English onomatopoeia of the animal sounds. If you asked Ruby what a cow says, she would reply with “moo”, and so forth.

Several of the other parrots picked up the various questions for the animals. So, my aunt would be getting ready for bed, and she would hear the birds take turns asking Ruby to be various animals, and Ruby would say meow, or woof, or whatever.