How are potholes in the road formed? Seems like there’s nothing then one day 50 potholes overnight.


How are potholes in the road formed? Seems like there’s nothing then one day 50 potholes overnight.

In: Chemistry

5 Answers

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I work for a road construction company in Florida. The other comments about freeze/thaw and expansion/contraction are correct. I also wanted to add that the asphalt of the road, at least here, is made in 2 layers. The bottom layer is stronger and more solid. The top layer is usually thinner and porous, to prevent rain water from puddling. When the traffic load and other forces wear out the top layer it tends to flake off.

Continued forces on a flaked sections only make it worse until it ruts out further. Once the pavement is weak enough to crack and rut it can happen anywhere on the road. This is why potholes will seem to spring up everywhere.

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