How are software engineers objectively measured when problems span such large difficulty ranges and there are multiple ways to implement solutions?


Always been curious how “workload” is assigned and estimated for software engineers.

In: 92

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

That’s a problem no one has really solved yet.
The way it usually works is that you break down big tasks in more manageable sub-tasks. Then you estimate how long each sub task is going to take, based on how long similiar sub-task took in the past, add up all the sub-tasks, then add some allowance for tasks taking longer than estimated, then add some more, and finally you have a number that you can tell your manager.

If you have a team of people you generally know who works faster or slower and assign them a corresponding amount of work.

With a bit of experience it works reasonably well.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nobody is objectively measured.

The concept of “objectively” measuring somebody’s contributions in the workplace was created in response to blatant unfairness and inequality. As managers and workers struggled with opacity in pay and increasingly large compensation packages for executives, many people demanded answers and clarity for evaluating performance and progress for raises and promotions.

Sure sometimes the metrics can make a lot of sense, especially in more concrete task-oriented work, but mostly this still serves the interests of capitalists and the ultra wealthy by reinforcing the idea that people shouldn’t be equal and providing a convenient pretense for paying executives exhorbitant amounts because of “performance metrics.”

This isn’t to say that no metrics should be used for gathering feedback and encouraging progress through promotions and raises. It’s just to say that they are mostly made-up and should not be considered complete nor infallible. Push back. Ask questions. Share information among co-workers. Unionize. Question executives and wealthy shareholders’ interests.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I am a software engineer and certified SCRUM master.

The answer is very poorly.
The trick is to spread out the bad estimates so the badness cancels out and on average you get something approaching accurate.

The SCRUM alliance recommends having the engineers each give an estimate of how many “points” a task will take. Then taking an average. So probably you’ll get some rough consensus on how many points a task will take.

How long do you take to do a point? Nobody knows, this will change from team to team, that’s literally the reason we’re calling them points rather than something like days or hours.

So at the end of a certain amount of time, we count the total points of all the tasks done.
This gives a rough estimate of how much stuff the team can do in the period of time (a sprint).

So what if the whole team put really big or really small number on their points? This will mean that they’ll also do a huge/tiny number of points per sprint, so you’ll know how much they’ll do the next time.

What if they’re real good at some stuff, but bad at others and they give them the same points? Well them being wrong in both places will cancel each other out. Ditto with the team members being real good/real bad at their jobs.

Of course literally nobody does it right, but it’s fun to dream about what could be.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a combination of experience and guessing. If you or other developers already did similar tasks or know exactly how to implement a task you might get a good estimate. If you’re doing something completely new, you just guess. Make the tasks small enough to handle and usually the good and the bad estimates add to a good average that works.

Frankly the estimate is one my least favourite parts of a project especially when the customer wants a delivery date and the total costs in advance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Keep in mind that there’s a million different ways to “measure” software engineer productivity and estimates and it’s constantly evolving. To keep things simpler I’ll focus on modern SDLC (software development life cycle) processes that many teams use these days (You might hear the term agile a lot).

Generally speaking, larger problems get broken up into smaller ones. A lot of teams will try to break up the problem to a point where individual tasks ideally take only 1 or 2 days to complete. Obviously there will be larger ones but a good team will do everything they can to ensure that no particular task ever takes more than a week or two to complete. The smaller and more specific the tasks are, the more likely you will be able to accurately guess how much time it’ll take for someone to complete.

Most teams will try and collaboratively gauge the complexity of the task. They look for things like risks. For example, does the task need someone with specific experience or knowledge? Is it possible that another team can prevent you from completing the task? Is it something that your team has never done before? Does testing the task require a lot more coordination? If so, pad the initial estimate until your team feels relatively confident that they can do it in the estimated time. The team will try and build a consensus that everyone on the team would be comfortable with and discuss outliers from the team to understand everyone’s though process and concerns.

As for how the team decides on implementing a solution, most of the time you have an experienced engineer lead a design session with the other devs. In these sessions they plan out how they will solve a task or a set of tasks and makes sure everyone is comfortable and understands what it is they’re building. If the project is large enough you might have someone more senior (architects) working with multiple team leads to lay out the larger picture that they will then take back to their teams to figure out the details.

If you’re really interested in it you can read about modern SDLC processes, there are literal textbooks written about it. Modern processes fall under the “agile” philosophy but there are tons of ways of actually doing it. You can take a look at things like SCRUM and Kanban to get a feel of how some of these work from a project management standpoint. But from an engineer standpoint, nearly all modern agile processes follow the spirit of what I described, even if the specifics vary based on the team. I’m being vague here because good teams will be flexible and adapt the process to fit their situation, skills, and needs. Which means the specific process any given development team follows will be different from others, even if they’re in the same company or have the same leaders.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For more standard software jobs you can break down tasks, and estimate how long each one should take. This is usually pretty basic since a lot of the tasks you are going to be doing have likely been done before in some way, so we actually know how long they should take. Your performance would then be based on how slow/fast you were getting these done compared to what was estimated.

However for me, I work in experimental tech. We have no idea how long anything will take, or if it’s even possible which pretty much puts me at the mercy of my supervisor judging if I did a good job or not. A lot of times I’ll spend an entire day pouring through and researching documentation trying to see if what we’re attempting to do will even work only to commit a few lines of code at the end of the day and worry that it looks like I got nothing done.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many good answers have been given… The question reminds me of a book called The Mythical Man-Month by an IBM software engineer from the old, old days. In it the author says that over a long history of projects he has found that adding developers to a project slows it down. So even then with terrible tools, they really couldn’t measure software work in any reliable way. And they had no idea how to make it more efficient.

In the modern era, Microsoft is famous for having hundreds of working groups colliding with each other and re-doing their code over and over. The results speak for themselves.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Modern programming processes follow an Agile methodology, where you have a backlog of work and then perform the highest priority work during a set period of time. As a result of this, there IS an objective measure of performance. The individuals that can take on tasks from the backlog and consistently deliver them with the highest level of quality (passes the testing and definition of done), over and over.

With this approach, the consistence is the measure. The ability to complete more tasks per sprint is a measure. Consistent grooming of the backlog and management of the tasks, while minimizing rework, is also a measure. If you have 5 people who do all of this, consistently, over time, you’re very fortunate and each of them is an equal contributor to the team and solution.

That being said, the next measure for software engineers then comes to experience with languages, middleware, toolsets, data storage options, cloud services and applications, and other elements. If I have the ability to write a web application, using cloud storage, in a secure fashion, in a week, to demonstrate functionality for a customer/leadership, then this is going to be recognized as having greater inherent value. As a result, growing your skillsets and the ability to incorporate/cover more niche products and elements of a broader solution, without needing ramp time, is going to make you more valuable out of the gate.

At my workplace, we aren’t rewarded for doing our day job. Being a good employee is expected of us to get a paycheck and average bonus. What gives us a greater bonus and recognition consists of three things: Developing yourself, Contributing to the Business, Contributing to others. This means that you do your day job, but you should be working on yourself, doing something that improves our business, and doing stuff that elevates our peers.

So those 5 engineers would be seen as good workers, but meeting expectations of their day job. The engineers that have a measurable contribution to their peers (presentation, training, mentoring), or to the business (template creation, reuse, engagement expansion), or themselves (learning new X or Y for future use), would then rise above the others who are just doing the day job.

In short, there are objective measurements under the right coding conditions. If you’re just a warm body and developing software in an unstructured manner, then yeah…it’ll be pretty subjective.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The preferred path is

1. Architecture: Determine business processes, functions, people and what they are trying to accomplish. “Domain” architects for things like I.T., Data, and Applications each plan out the big picture on how their domain will need to change to be able to support the vision.
2. Design: The groups begin to break up their respective change areas into logical blocks – these people support these things, this group owns this application, this team stores data. Those groups then look at the what the needed inputs to the larger architecture – oh, they need sales transaction data in order for their plan to work; well, we don’t actually collect all of our sales data the same way. Lets make a plan on what standardized sales data will look like
3. Development: You now analyze your respective systems to determine what changes are needed to create the standard data set. One change might be to update the UI on sales registers to all transmit sales data with a $000.00 format, as some only have $000.0 format. However, we know that rolling out a change to the registers at over 2000 locations will be a big change in the sense of regional testing, integration with the financial system, integration with the data repository, training, communications. Thats too much for one person.
4. Delegation: The UI change will be easy, as its invisible to users – the button now sends 2 decimals instead of 1. However, their SALES numbers will show up on their screens and in-store reports differently every day now. You need to verify every variation of every screen to make sure that the screen can fit the change and not cut out zeroes. Well, thats that just time consuming – we have 87 different regions and logging in, making the change, making sales, and verifying the UI and reports will take about 2 hours each – thats roughly 180 hours, though you’ll get faster. thats an entire month for just 1 person and so we probably want to cut that down to 2 weeks, so lets have 2 people doing that. Meanwhile you still have the financial system, the reporting server, all of the reports, etc to send the data to. We want to say “Well. some systems already send the .00 so it should be fine”. That is a big no-no, never assume technology will work. Someone may have defaulted the .0 senders to *automatically add the second 0.* That would OVERWRITE any value you sent at the second decimal. People do that crap all the time. There are 43 sales reports and we need to verify the reports. Those will take about an hour each. So lets assign that to someone. We now have 2 people working 2 weeks and one for 1 week.

As long as you understand what you are working towards, and all of the things that are in play, you can put metrics around the quantity, complexity, unknowns/risk, and time associated with each one. Those are called SWAGs – Scientific Wild Ass Guesses. Youre usually wrong, and there is always something you didn’t think of so all of you are overworked all the time and things are rarely on time or under budget.

Anonymous 0 Comments
