How are some countries so much more developed than others around the world?


This seems so obvious and rude, frankly, but I don’t understand how I am able to sit in my apartment with my own food to make and job to go to when some men, women, and children are living in extreme poverty with no clean drinking water. How did this start and how did it continue to cycle to where we are now?

In: Economics

9 Answers

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A variety of factors but mainly imperialism and availability of resources.

Imperialism: Most developed countries got that way by exploiting other countries, like for example African people stolen to work as slaves in America. This also applies to valuable resources like oil as much as people (see the middle east.

Availability of resources: certain places (for example Papua New Guinea) have a scarcity of things like good farmland or wood/stone to build with and any culture that struggles for survival doesn’t really have time or resources to innovate, even if there’s very smart people in that culture.

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