How are the hands and feet connected when it comes to sweating?


If my hands and feet are sweating, but I put cotton socks on, my feet either stop sweating completely or significantly reduce sweating. Then my hands follow and stop. If I wear sandals or anything that makes me feet sweat, my hands start sweating. It’s the strangest thing. What does my feet have to do with my hands?? I definitely sweat a lot more in the summer. My hands and feet are bone dry in the winter. I think it’s humidity that triggers my hyper hidrosis. But why are the two connected?

In: 7

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hands and feet are important for temperature regulation. It’s natural to sweat on them when hot (or nervous).

If you put on socks in warm weather I’d expect your hands to sweat *more* since they now have to compensate for decreased cooling ability of your feet.

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