How are the trays at the airport security lines antimicrobial? How do you make a tray microbial without cleaning it?


How are the trays at the airport security lines antimicrobial? How do you make a tray microbial without cleaning it?

In: 1594

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Source: I test disinfectants, and help write the European methods for disinfectants.

Some materials stop bacterial growth – metals like copper and silver. These materials are added in the making of the plastic. There is lots of evidence of this type of thing working to different degrees. Usually low level effect over time.

Liquid treatments much better than treated plastics but have a much shorter lifespan and wear out, some products claim to work for day months or years because they leave residues but there is now a growing body of evidence that shows this isn’t true and lab tests for disinfectants can’t accurately show the effects of wear on these products.

In most cases these types of product do do a little bit to help reduce bacteria but they are by no means sterile and this effect takes time, think of it as a bandade not a cure.

Marketing is the main reason nothing else

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