How are the wet markets common in East Asia so much different/worse than a typical farmers market in your local town? Is it the type of or amount of or sanitation of food products?


I just dont get what is so egregiously different about these markets that justify articles be written about banning their practice.

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you ever been to a farmers market where wild animals in cages were killed, cleaned, and their meat sold to customers? I didn’t think so.

The meat in the Farmers Market I go to is wrapped in paper and then plastic, so you can cook it or put it in your freezer. All the dressing of the meat was done in a well regulated, and closely monitored slaughterhouse. The chicken might not be washed in chlorine like the stuff in the grocery store, but it was raised under regulated conditions by people who knew they had to meet stringent western animal production regulations.

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