how are threads for clothes made?


i’m referring to the synthetic, hairline, super thin, almost microscopic threads that are used to make thicker threads, what are they made of and how are they made?

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The individual fibers are twisted together, like a rope, but on a smaller scale. As each fiber binds up through torsional friction, there are more fibers added, this lengthening the piece. Then, they take these individual strands of fibers and wrap them together to create a thread.
Once you have enough thread (of whatever material), you begin weaving it into a fabric.

[Here]( is a kind of cool video in a larger scale about lariat making (which should give you some idea of what I’m describing).

Anonymous 0 Comments

What is perhaps the most common type of synthetic fiber, Polyester, is a plastic that is melted down and squeezed out of tiny holes to reach the desired diameter. Here’s a video outlining the whole process if you’re interested: []( . Many other synthetic fibers are also plastics manufactured in a similar manner.