How are wild and sometimes dangerous animals in documentaries filmed so close and at so many different angles without noticing the camera operator?


How are wild and sometimes dangerous animals in documentaries filmed so close and at so many different angles without noticing the camera operator?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The business of animal filming and documentaries can take weeks of planning, sometimes months. Local guides and trackers assist as well. Once the crew knows where animals frequent, cameras are placed in advance. However, actual crew members film too.

So let’s say a pride of lions: Cameras will be placed on the area and a cameraman can also be filming near maybe a truck or Jeep or something you don’t see. So in the case that the animals wish to attack, they can get away safely.

Also, camera equipment is pretty damn good. Some high definition videos can be shot from pretty far away.

I am open to others more knowledgeable than me to provide input as well if my explanation is lacking or inaccurate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They actually film from far away with really pro and expensive zooms which are longer than my arm