: How are wolves being reintroduced into the ecosystem in America?

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I haven’t read much on the topic, but the way I’ve heard people irl talk about it, it seems like it’s been done by people who don’t live in the area where wolves are being reintroduced and whose lives won’t be affected by it at all, while no input or opinion is being considered by the farmers, ranchers or rural population who’ll have to live in those area or whose life would be affected by it. I don’t know of it’s accurate or if steps are being taken to make sure that wolves don’t harm the farmers or their animals

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

seems like you should educate yourself before making any conclusions or worrying about impacts…..like find some accurate information on who is doing what and why



Anonymous 0 Comments

The US has a lot of land owned by the federal government or states. That land (in the federal case) is managed by an agency in Washington, not locally, although there may be a local office administering it.

So, imagine that your local park is managed by a bureaucracy 2000 miles away, that is subject to all kinds of special interests. They can do with the park what they want, and you and your neighbors have almost zero say in it. This is not like regular city parks, which are in theory a lot more responsive to the community’s needs.

One thing that’s happening is that wolves are being reintroduced. Not in local federally-managed parks of course. But in federally managed forests which may butt right up against town and certainly against agricultural or ranch land. Most times locals are consulted, but they don’t realy get a say

Anonymous 0 Comments

Coyotes have become a much larger problem than wolves ever were. They constantly attack harass both farm animals and pets.

Ask any farmer and I guarantee they can tell you a time they had to shoot or chase off coyotes.

Reintroducing wolves helps keep coyote populations in check. And wolves are actually easier to keep out of pens and enclosures because they are bigger and can’t squeeze through gaps in fences or dig under fences as easily.