How can a blood test tell if your sugar is always normally high or just acutely?


One time I accidentally ate a snack before a blood test. They called me and asked if I ate and I remembered I did. They said my sugar was spiked, but can tell through that it’s not normally like that because of some three month marker. I may be repeating that completely wrong, but how is it possible to see that your sugar isn’t normally high and just acutely through blood? I only get annual physicals, so it’s not like I had a blood test 3 months prior.

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well if you have an annual, don’t they have records of your normal sugar level and see a deprecancy from year to year? I don’t k ow either but I would assume they just looked at previous physical as reference points and extrapolate from that.

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