How can a country supply weapons to another ally country and not be considered to be involved in that war?


How can a country supply weapons to another ally country and not be considered to be involved in that war?

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6 Answers

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It is not unusual for countries to buy foreign weapons. And traditionally war does not directly impact trade. The price of those weapons is up for negotiations as usual with any commodity. Weapons itself is only just one of the necessary tools for war. You also need men, military equipment, food, fuel and such. So in general weapons have been allowed to be traded even during war. However donating weapons is on the boarder of what is allowed. Even though this is technically within what we consider legal many countries have ended up involved in a war for just trading weapons at market value.

This is currently the primary argument against donating weapons to Ukraine as it is possible that Russia might retaliate for this. For example the news currently have been about the MIG fighters in service with the Polish military. They wanted to donate them to Ukraine as they were getting new F-35 airplanes to replace them but does not want to be left without fighters. So the US came out and promised them F-16 airplanes if Poland donates their MIGs to Ukraine. The Ukrainian pilots is not trained to fly F-16 themselves. But Poland does not want to give such advanced weapons to Ukraine themselves so they agree to the US proposals but instead of giving the MIGs to Ukraine they will give them to the US. But the US does not want to give fighters to Ukraine either so refuses the deal. So currently everyone agrees that the MIGs should be donated to Ukraine but nobody wants to be the ones actually giving them because they fear Putin is going to retaliate against whoever donates the fighters.

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