How can a shadow move faster than light?


I just read about this but… can quite wrap my head around it. Is it even possible?

In: Physics

6 Answers

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This question reminded me about Ask A Ninja – [](

Anyways, darkness (shadows) is the absence of light. It’s not something that is cast from a flashlight but rather the areas a light is not shining on. When you look at your shadow outside cast by the sun your shadow’s shape is actually tied to the speed of light — the light going around your body is lighting up the ground around you creating the shape of your shadow. The darkness inside of your shadow however, the darker it is, is the absence of light, which was always there until the sun or other lights started to brighten it up.

The shape of your shadow is the result of a light reaching the area around you, lighting everything BUT your shadow. What’s inside of your shadow, the area your body prevented the light’s source from reaching, was always there (darkness).

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