How can a tiny pimple can hurt a whole shoulder?


How can a tiny pimple can hurt a whole shoulder?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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Yoyo has the right of it.

It’s an unfortunate side effect of how nerves work.

First, pimples and papercuts are the worst. your pain nerves branch out to cover the surface of the skin, so injuries that don’t cut all the way through hurt extra extra.

And pimples, as abcesses putting pressure on everything around, them hurt their own special way, as the skin stretches to bursting. On top of that, in places where your skin is flat, the inflammation and irritation easily spreads to cover a larger area. Fun times all around.

Then it’s as Yoyo said. Deferred or disassociated pain. Due to the strangeness and complexity of nerves, pain can often move to appear in other places, like heart attacks, especially in women who tend to disassociate pain more and not recognize heart attacks. Heartburn and gas often cause chest pain or breathing distress. There are dozens of examples if you think about it.

Then there is the third and final reason. Tension. People don’t realize this, but when you have a pain past a joint, you unconsciously abuse that joint.

For example.. an injury in one foot can cause your OTHER knee, hip and SHOULDERS to hurt as you slightly favor the injury. Being aware your shoulder hurts makes you inadvertently hold your shoulder oddly to make it hurt less from touching things. This tiiiiiny change is going to make your neck, shoulder and arm start aching, which will blend with the pain you already have.

it’s quite amazing really.. pimples..

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