: how can brute forcing password still exist if sites lock the account after several failed attempts?


: how can brute forcing password still exist if sites lock the account after several failed attempts?

In: 536

15 Answers

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You want to know someone’s password. They have it written down in a book in their house, but that book is encoded in some format that only the person knows. Trying to brute force the password online would be like going up to the person’s house and knocking on the door and asking them if their password is A. They say no and close the door, so you knock again and ask if it’s B. They say no again, and when you knock this time they just lock the door and don’t answer it anymore. So instead when it gets dark you break into their house and steal the password book. It’s still encoded, but it’s a lot easier for you to try and work on the scrambling this way.

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