How can cancer cells destroy healthy cells and thus kill you?


How can cancer cells destroy healthy cells and thus kill you?

In: Biology

7 Answers

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Cells reproduce by dividing into two new cells. If every cell you ever had did this indefinitely, then you’d exponentially be humongous. As such, eventually cells don’t divide anymore, and they die. It’s natural (as with all living things) to die, and healthy cells have a certain life expectancy.

Cancer cells, however, are broken, and don’t have the proper instructions on when to die. So they divide into two cells (which are now BOTH cancer cells), and those divide, and those divide, and eventually you get too many cells in a given area of the body (this weird extra mass of stuff, is what a Tumor is).

These extraneous cancerous masses get in the way of the body’s natural functions, and that’s what leads to health complications and eventually death of a cancer victim.

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