How can companies, specifically like Spotify, continue to operate while losing so much money?


I just read that Spotify has never been profitable – yet they are the #1 music streaming service internationally for music. How can they continue to operate like this?

In: Economics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Great minds think alike. Yer not alone in askin’, and kind strangers have explained:

1. [ELI5: how can companies post losses of millions, billions of dollars, and stay in business nevertheless? ]( ^(_7 comments_)
1. [ELI5:how can Amazon lose millions year after year and stay in business? ]( ^(_>100 comments_)
1. [ELI5: I hear of huge companies operating at a massive loss hoping to become huge in the future. How does that work? ]( ^(_7 comments_)
1. [ELI5:How can a company have a negative net income for an extended period of time but still stay in business? ]( ^(_12 comments_)
1. [ELI5: How do companies such as Twitter, which has yet to turn a profit since it’s creation and has lost $165 million this year so far, continue to run and how can they pay employees? ]( ^(_>100 comments_)
1. [ELI5: Billion-dollar valuations for tech companies that have never turned a profit () ]( ^(_54 comments_)
1. [ELI5: Why does a company like Tesla or Uber have such high valuation (over 50 Bn) despite have low sales or losing money yearly? ]( ^(_98 comments_)

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