How can servers let multiple gamers play together in real time?


Gamers can be across the globe yet if you have good enough internet connection you can play with them, see what each other see and do inside the game real-time without delays.

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are delays, they’re just masked. You always see slightly outdated positions of other players and same goes for you. For other players you are always few metres behind you think you are. That’s why sometimes you die behind corners, that’s why “peeker’s advantage” exist etc. It’s a massive topic, but too keep it short: what you see on your screen is not what other players see on theirs. It’s close, but it’s not the same. It matters a lot in fast paced games like Quake for example. There are even examples of players who perform better on LAN than in online matches because of these reasons.

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