How can someone know if you had specific files on a drive?


I already know about hard drives keeping the file after deletion until something else rewrites it, I’d like to know if someone could find out about your personal things by analizing files you saved along with those things or something like that.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes; here is how:

1. recover your hard drive.
2. recover your browser settings, including cookies. (your browser also keeps passwords this way if you tell it to store password)
3. use the recovered session data (or stored passwords) to authenticate to an online store like Amazon
4. examine your order history from store.
5. also possible to scope out connected devices in your house by examining mac addresses, though this is hit or miss because mac’s aren’t persisted on disk typically (but could be in swap or other areas)
6. if the above fails, you can always recover the wifi password and connect to it that way.

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