How can sponsoring sports teams be profitable for companies.


Just saw Spotify is going to pay 70 million dollars a year to have their name on the F.C. Barcelona t-shirt. How can this be profitable? Surely not that many people start using Spotify just because they saw it on their teams shirt right?

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8 Answers

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Increased awareness and exposure. Really, they’re just trying to flood your senses with their product as much as you can. Do this enough, and a lot of people will eventually start thinking, “Dang, I really could go for some M&Ms right now!”

They’re trying to plant the seed, and they do that by just making you think about their product more, even if you think you’re not paying attention.
It also just keeps their product in a better position than competitors that might not have the money to throw around as much. You don’t want Canned Crispies, you want Pringles!

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