How can the internet be running out of IP addresses?


I read an article that says “amassing IP addresses has become a lucrative business because the American internet registry and its counterparts around the world are running out of unique addresses—or at least the current version, IPv4, of which there are about four billion. A switch to the next generation is under way, which will make billions more addresses available, but it will take years to complete.” Why is it so hard to just type a code that creates more addresses?

In: Technology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The current ipv4 system only has room for 2^32 numbers max (4.3 Billion and a lot fo those are wasted on nonsense).

Creating a system that involves more addresses is something that people have already done more than two decades ago. It is called IPv6.

The problem is getting everyone to switch to the new system.

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