How can we convert between pounds and kilograms?


Since pounds are a measurement of force and kilograms are a unit of mass how is it possible to freely convert between the two measurements?

In: Mathematics

4 Answers

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It’s assumed that were using standard earth gravity (acceleration is 9.8 m/s^2 or 32.2 ft/s^2), it works most of the time. In fact a lot of basic scales measure kg from the force anyway. Newtons second law (F=ma) is used to convert from mass to force.

It goes kg (SI mass) -> N (SI force) -> lbf (US force)

Id also like to clarify pounds force (lbf) and pounds mass (lbm). pounds mass is an actual unit, but it falls under the same category as stuff like furlong. It’s technically a thing, but it isn’t used, US customary doesn’t use mass as a standard measurement like metric, it uses weight. Here’s a list of all the places i’ve used lbm.

1) In my metrology classes learning of it’s existance

2) getting problems wrong for assuming pounds mass instead of pounds force

Edit: added some more detail.

Edit 2: added more detail on conversion and pound mass

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