How can we have videos and tests of nuclear weapons without the effects of a nuclear bomb going off?


I have seen videos of nuclear testing. The majority of these show testing into the ocean. Are these full nukes? How does the radiation effect the water and the air? Do we still do these kinds of tests?

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6 Answers

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Those were full tests yes, and no we don’t do them anymore. The only country that possibly did nuclear tests in the last 10 years was north korea (and they did them underground)

The effect on the sea can be severe. The bikini atoll is full of radioactive leftovers, and they have a weirdly behaving shark population.

The overall ocean is too big to be affected in a serious way, but locally they were an enviromental nightmare that still lasts until today ~65 years later. Especially radioactively contaminated coral dust is the main issue.

>How does the radiation effect the water and the air?

Not a lot. Radioactive material is usually in the form of solid dust particles. Water and air only transport these.

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