How can whispering still sound like that person’s voice even though they’re not using their vocal cords?


How can whispering still sound like that person’s voice even though they’re not using their vocal cords?

In: 54

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The dimensions of your whole vocal tract are unique to you, not just your vocal cords. Your voice’s sound is a result of your vocal cords, larynx, throat dimensions, mouth dimensions, sinus (and other head resonator-space) dimensions.

So when you’re not using your unique vocal cords to whisper, you’re still using your unique larynx, throat, mouth, sinuses etc. so a lot of the characteristics of your voice are preserved.

Also as others said, your speech patterns themselves (aka the way you talk – inflection patterns, speed/rhythm, vocabulary, etc) is also still there when you’re whispering, helping it sound “like you”.

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