How can you induce a woman to go into labor, and why would a doctor induce someone instead of just letting them give birth whenever it happens naturally?


How can you induce a woman to go into labor, and why would a doctor induce someone instead of just letting them give birth whenever it happens naturally?

In: Biology

22 Answers

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There’s a lot of reasons and a lot of ways.

Some are medical and some are at home.

Some people are just all done being pregnant. It’s too detrimental to the mental of physical health and it’s time for baby to arrive. Baby could be in distress. The water broke and labor hasn’t started naturally and the risk if infection is too high. You’ve been pregnant over 40 weeks, or over 42 weeks which is generally considered overdue.

Castor oil, spicy foods, walking, sex, and other methods can work but aren’t reliable.

More medical methods involve Foley bulbs physically opening the cervix, or pitocin and other drugs used to trick your body into having contractions. Sweeping of the membranes or artificial rupture of the amniotic sack can start off labor.

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