How can you make money with opensource software?


I mean I get the service part, but why can’t somebody not just copy your code and do it better? Or just take your code make it closed source? Thanks

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“copy your code and do it better” is the point of open source.

If the code is open source people will add and improve it and we will end up with a better version for everyone.

“take your code make it closed source” is against the rules. The various open source license approach this to a different degree, but they al agree that if you take open source code and use it you can’t act as if it was your own. Either the whole thing or just the part with the Open source stuff it will become open source.

The idea is that everyone contributes and everyone can freely use it.

You can add stuff on top of it that is closed source and sell that whole product and your an offer service and hardware around it.

Android is based on OpenSource stuff and Google and Samsung and many others are making money with is just fine.

Apple’s iOS is technically close source but based on Open Source and apple is not hurting for money either.

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