How can you place calls to emergency numbers on phones without SIM cards?


like there should be a workaround/hack that then let’s you place any kinda call for free.

In: 3640

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

SIM just strands for “subscriber identity module”, it’s what the phone uses to request a tower permission to use it’s resources and make calls or use data. Your phone has everything else needed to make calls. Think of a SIM card as an ID, bus pass, concert or movie ticket, it’s used to identify what type of signal you’re using and what carrier with what services you are subscribed to.

By law, all mobile phones are required to let you make emergency calls (911), with or without a SIM card and without using your subscriber services. You could find a random phone with any amount of battery and call 911 without a problem.

There can be a workaround but that would mean using a SIM card that is providing information that somehow gets through a tower, not sure how that would work.

Anonymous 0 Comments

During normal calls there’s a whole big conversation going on between your phone and the phone company. The tower and your phone literally tell eachother everything about eachother and only when everything is okay and all details are in order, it lets you talk to the person you’re calling. And it does this every time, so damn quickly that you don’t even notice.

An emergency call is like a shout out for help, any tower that hears you will let you talk through it with the highest priority.

Anonymous 0 Comments

SIM just strands for “subscriber identity module”, it’s what the phone uses to request a tower permission to use it’s resources and make calls or use data. Your phone has everything else needed to make calls. Think of a SIM card as an ID, bus pass, concert or movie ticket, it’s used to identify what type of signal you’re using and what carrier with what services you are subscribed to.

By law, all mobile phones are required to let you make emergency calls (911), with or without a SIM card and without using your subscriber services. You could find a random phone with any amount of battery and call 911 without a problem.

There can be a workaround but that would mean using a SIM card that is providing information that somehow gets through a tower, not sure how that would work.

Anonymous 0 Comments

During normal calls there’s a whole big conversation going on between your phone and the phone company. The tower and your phone literally tell eachother everything about eachother and only when everything is okay and all details are in order, it lets you talk to the person you’re calling. And it does this every time, so damn quickly that you don’t even notice.

An emergency call is like a shout out for help, any tower that hears you will let you talk through it with the highest priority.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A cell phone without a SIM card is still communicating with the towers – they are just asking it to identify as paying customer before providing services.

Your phone near cell towers is like a person walking around a mall, and your SIM card is like your wallet.

If you try to get a massage without a wallet, you’ll be turned away. If you ask a security guard for help finding your toddler, your wallet is irrelevant.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A cell phone without a SIM card is still communicating with the towers – they are just asking it to identify as paying customer before providing services.

Your phone near cell towers is like a person walking around a mall, and your SIM card is like your wallet.

If you try to get a massage without a wallet, you’ll be turned away. If you ask a security guard for help finding your toddler, your wallet is irrelevant.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dial 112, works in most countries, with or without SIM, even when phone locked.

Misconception is that 112 will work when there’s no cellular coverage via satellite, it doesn’t. It will only work where you have network coverage.

112 links you to the emergency service of the country you are in.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dial 112, works in most countries, with or without SIM, even when phone locked.

Misconception is that 112 will work when there’s no cellular coverage via satellite, it doesn’t. It will only work where you have network coverage.

112 links you to the emergency service of the country you are in.

Anonymous 0 Comments

SIM Cards only store your specific information within a specific network. That’s it. It doesn’t change your phones ability to interact with the general network, you just can’t access certain things without one.

Emergency numbers are essentially on the “free netork” anyone can access them regardless stat of device, so long as it can get a signal.

Fwiw…this was a mandated demand by governments worldwide when initial Cell tower implementation began, pretty much the entirety of global cell communication infrastructure was funded by the Country either directly or in subsidies to all the various operates within those countries. (Be it direct investment or curtailed tax deductions etc, similar to current subsidies for EV programs)

Demand was that there must be an emergency channel for public use, and not specifically for calling services but recieving immenent threat updates.

Not really different then how TV and Radio both have an emergency broadcast frequency. In case of cell phones you have access to emergency numbers because “you” already paid for them long long term.

Anonymous 0 Comments

SIM Cards only store your specific information within a specific network. That’s it. It doesn’t change your phones ability to interact with the general network, you just can’t access certain things without one.

Emergency numbers are essentially on the “free netork” anyone can access them regardless stat of device, so long as it can get a signal.

Fwiw…this was a mandated demand by governments worldwide when initial Cell tower implementation began, pretty much the entirety of global cell communication infrastructure was funded by the Country either directly or in subsidies to all the various operates within those countries. (Be it direct investment or curtailed tax deductions etc, similar to current subsidies for EV programs)

Demand was that there must be an emergency channel for public use, and not specifically for calling services but recieving immenent threat updates.

Not really different then how TV and Radio both have an emergency broadcast frequency. In case of cell phones you have access to emergency numbers because “you” already paid for them long long term.