How come allergy shots work for pollen, dust, mold,etc.; but fail for food allergies. What makes food allergies different?


How come allergy shots work for pollen, dust, mold,etc.; but fail for food allergies. What makes food allergies different?

In: Biology

Anonymous 0 Comments

Generally speaking of allergies or hypersensitivity. It is because of the pharmacodynamics of the drug they used to treat the allergy, sometimes it even has to do with the amount of allergen you consume and even on how you got the allergen, for example if you eat it, the gut and mucosa has its own lymphoid tissue. Also let’s not forget that once the allergen is eaten it starts reacting all the way from mouth to disposal “ “
There are also different types of hypersensitivity reactions like IgE (immunoglobulins) which most commonly are the ones in airways allergies that end ups with a histamine reaction given that they work with basophils and mast cells. Talking about this it is important to know which kind of reaction the patient has, if he would have celiac disease it will be a hypersensitive type 4 which cannot be treated as type 1.
Some drugs reacts against the histamine effects and other work on the general nervous reaction (epinephrine).
Hope it helps.