How come CPU and GPU can draw more way power than its specified TDP?


How come CPU and GPU can draw more way power than its specified TDP?

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5 Answers

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TDP on processors is a made up number that is whatever the manufactures set it to be. [Gamers Nexus: AMD Ryzen TDP Deep-Dive & What Cooler Manufacturers Think of “TDP”](

TDP = ( Temperature (CPU) – temperature (ambient) ) / heat sink thermal resistance

The equation above is real physics equation for thermal conductance. But the problem is that the CPU manufacturers use it wrong. They use it in reverse by defining temperatures and thermal esistances to be whatever they want and they get whatever number they want for the “TDP”.

For example TDP for Ryzen 5000 CPUs used different numbers than Ryzen 7000 CPUs. So a “65 W” 5600x consumes about 67 W while a “65 W” 7600 consumes 87 W ([Gamers Nexus benchmark](

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