How come journalists are able to find/interview wanted criminals yet authorities have a hard time catching them?


How come journalists are able to find/interview wanted criminals yet authorities have a hard time catching them?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The police have a much higher burden of proof then journalists and have to follow much stricter laws. Police might “know” where a wanted criminal is and who is hiding them but they might not be able to prove it enough for a search warrant or they may be in an area the police does not have authority over and the police that do have authority does not prioritize the case. Then there is the issue of getting enough forces into possition to actually do the arrest without raising suspicion allowing them to flee.

It is much easier for a single journalist to prove who they are and get access to people without a search warrant. However it is one thing to get access to someone in order to do an interview but another thing entirely to actually be able to arrest them, especially if you have to fabricate all the evidence of you being a journalist and hope that people do not notice that you are not.

There are cases where politicians, and even police, have been visiting wanted criminals in order to negotiate or while conducting investigations. But it is almost impossible to arrest someone under those conditions.

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