How come just keeping food/drinks in our mouth isn’t satisfactory enjoyment wise?


Most of us are fortunate enough to not just eat/drink for survival, but also for enjoyment. We taste food and beverages the moment they enter our mouths, and we can taste/chew/feel texture/etc.. but still we dont quite feel satisfied until we actually swallow.

For example: no matter how much you enjoy your favorite drink, you cant just take one sip and keep it in your mouth forever.

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Flavor and swallowing food for nourishment are tied together in our brain. Without swallowing, the whole effect is thrown off and our brain goes “wtf”?

Some things taste extremely good because long ago, when everyone was living as hunter/gatherers the best tasting food was very nutritious for your body and you needed it to live. That is how life was for most of humanity’s time on earth so it’s still part of our dna. The best tasting foods are very high in fat and sugar because our body evolved to crave and enjoy these foods the most when food was scarce and we were burning way more calories per day. High fat and high sugar foods are still common in a healthy diet for hikers and endurance athletes who need the extra calories and fat because they are burning a ridiculous amount of calories per day.

Tldr: Taste is tied to nutrition. Food tastes good because our brain knows it will nourish our body. If we don’t swallow it, it throws off the whole sensation, kinda like pulling out…

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