because hormones.
Testosterone has many effects on the body. Among them is changing the shape of the vocal chords, producing a lower voice & vocal register. With how the human neck, vocal chords, and esophagus are arranged, that ends up poking out a bit of the Adam’s Apple.
If a woman took testosterone hormone therapy, she would most likely develop a similar Adam’s Apple, along with deepening of her voice, as the rest of her body (including her neck & vocal chords) responds to the hormone.
Women *DO* have *SOME* testosterone – just as Men do have *SOME* estrogen. Just that neither gender (on a strictly binary scale here) has enough of the opposing hormone to so differently change their body.
In other, more layman’s terms: an adam’s apple is a secondary sex characteristic. About as much as women developing boobs, vs men growing hair on their chest.
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