how come our space travelling speed is limited?


To sum up, I understand fully that fuel is an issue, I’m talking theoretical.

In space there is little to no resistance because of how few particles floating about. But if you were always running and engine, pushing matter out behind you, youd have a constant acceleration. So it seems like we should be able to travel near speed of light (combining this constant acceleration with abusing gravity for slingshot maneuvers). Yet people always say nothing can travel the speed of light.

In: Physics

9 Answers

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The faster you want to go, the more fuel you need. Going from 9800 to 9900km/h requires more energy expenditure than going from 0 to 100km/h.

Now not only do you need extra fuel for that extra burn, but you need extra fuel for holding onto that extra fuel all that time. The extra weight keeps adding more and more the more you want to accelerate.

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