How come some buggies are impossible to “kerb pop” and some are super easy?


I was shopping for a buggy & testing the “kerb pop” for a toddler who is large for his age. I was unable to kerb pop at all on the Joie Mytrax with my whole weight pushing down on the handle. Then I tried the miniuno and was able to kerb pop that buggy pretty easily so I’m wondering what factor I should be looking for to determine if a buggy will have a good kerb pop especially if I can’t test it in person?

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15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

How far back the handle is in relation to the real wheels/rear axles and where the seat is in relation to the wheelbase. Even if it is hard to do by pushind down though you can just pull towards you instead, maybe use your foot too stop it from rolling backwards.

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