How come some buggies are impossible to “kerb pop” and some are super easy?


I was shopping for a buggy & testing the “kerb pop” for a toddler who is large for his age. I was unable to kerb pop at all on the Joie Mytrax with my whole weight pushing down on the handle. Then I tried the miniuno and was able to kerb pop that buggy pretty easily so I’m wondering what factor I should be looking for to determine if a buggy will have a good kerb pop especially if I can’t test it in person?

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15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

While I have zero experience in the matter, a lot of it will have to do with basic physics. Weight, pivot points, and so on. Without looking I imagine the center of mass was in a more convenient spot on the second one. Between that and the angle you’re pulling/pushing maybe?

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