How come we are still unsure about the cause of aging?


Do we not understand enough about the human body? I have heard that we don’t fully understand the mechanism behind aging and this got me wondering. I mean our body seems to be like one of the first things we’d investigate, and yet we seem to know less than I had originally thought.

In: 70

57 Answers

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We don’t have a theory on aging as a single thing thet most people think is right yet.

One idea is that the body just gets damaged over time in lots of little ways, like a car yo have had for years.

Another is that the body’s clean up system starts having random mistakes, and those add up, allowing other parts to start having problems.

A third is that your bodies cells become worse and worse copies of the old ones as the body’s process of replacing them goes on. The bad copies eventually don’t work.

But some plants and animals don’t age. Naked mole rats and squid and some trees.

We haven’t figured it out because we have only started to understand the really tiny parts of the body well.

For a long time we have only noticed big things, like diseases.

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