How come we are still unsure about the cause of aging?


Do we not understand enough about the human body? I have heard that we don’t fully understand the mechanism behind aging and this got me wondering. I mean our body seems to be like one of the first things we’d investigate, and yet we seem to know less than I had originally thought.

In: 70

57 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

One thing I have learned as I’ve gotten older, and been through helping my mother fight cancer, dealt with my own smaller health issues etc etc. Is that TV has done a good job of convincing us that we know a ton about the human body. Greys Anatomy, House, all the “breakthroughs” you see on the news made me naively feel like we can fix anything and really had it figured out. But spend a little time around an actual hospital and you’ll realize that those shows are about as real as startrek, and we actually know basically nothing in the grand scheme of things.

The human body is ALLOT more complicated than I grew up believing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

One thing I have learned as I’ve gotten older, and been through helping my mother fight cancer, dealt with my own smaller health issues etc etc. Is that TV has done a good job of convincing us that we know a ton about the human body. Greys Anatomy, House, all the “breakthroughs” you see on the news made me naively feel like we can fix anything and really had it figured out. But spend a little time around an actual hospital and you’ll realize that those shows are about as real as startrek, and we actually know basically nothing in the grand scheme of things.

The human body is ALLOT more complicated than I grew up believing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was under impression that age is just a number, we age as result of usage, it’s not an operation by itself, to not age we need to continues refresh and replace things

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was under impression that age is just a number, we age as result of usage, it’s not an operation by itself, to not age we need to continues refresh and replace things

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not “the cause of aging” or “the mechanism behind aging”.

There are many many causes.

It’s a bit like asking why does your toy or car or any other thing eventually wear out. There’s not one thing that wears out, every bit of it wears out in it’s own way. And we need to understand all of them and find ways to prevent and/or repair them all.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not “the cause of aging” or “the mechanism behind aging”.

There are many many causes.

It’s a bit like asking why does your toy or car or any other thing eventually wear out. There’s not one thing that wears out, every bit of it wears out in it’s own way. And we need to understand all of them and find ways to prevent and/or repair them all.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I read a good analogy somewhere.
As cells are constantly being replaced eventually it doest replicate well enough.

Like taking a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy in a printer. Eventually the result is not close to the original.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I read a good analogy somewhere.
As cells are constantly being replaced eventually it doest replicate well enough.

Like taking a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy in a printer. Eventually the result is not close to the original.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not that we don’t understand the causes at a high level. It’s that the high-level causes aren’t of sufficent granularity to be useful to develop therapies and treatments which can prolong life or even reverse aging. If I tell you that telomeres limit the number of times that cells can replicate themselves, what does that actually yield you in terms of actual treatments?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not that we don’t understand the causes at a high level. It’s that the high-level causes aren’t of sufficent granularity to be useful to develop therapies and treatments which can prolong life or even reverse aging. If I tell you that telomeres limit the number of times that cells can replicate themselves, what does that actually yield you in terms of actual treatments?