How come we are still unsure about the cause of aging?


Do we not understand enough about the human body? I have heard that we don’t fully understand the mechanism behind aging and this got me wondering. I mean our body seems to be like one of the first things we’d investigate, and yet we seem to know less than I had originally thought.

In: 70

57 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Why would we need to understand it? To prevent it? I don’t think that’s a good idea.
Let’s focus on diseases and viruses

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why would we need to understand it? To prevent it? I don’t think that’s a good idea.
Let’s focus on diseases and viruses

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have heard it’s due to the Telomeres shortening on the ends of the chromosomes. To a certain extent they shorten anyway with aging but certain lifestyle choices can affect the degree to how much they shorten. Too much scientific detail to go into here but I’m sure if you do a Google search you can find more information on this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have heard it’s due to the Telomeres shortening on the ends of the chromosomes. To a certain extent they shorten anyway with aging but certain lifestyle choices can affect the degree to how much they shorten. Too much scientific detail to go into here but I’m sure if you do a Google search you can find more information on this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

ELI5: aging isn’t something that is ‘caused’ but a temporal process inherent to reproducing organisms living on a planet with the organic matter necessary to do so.

Less brief explanation:


The process of growth, regeneration, maturation is an energetically expensive process. Your body is acting against the laws of entropy (it’s physically and energetically simpler to just not have your body assemble at all).

As all organic forms of matter, entropy eventually wins.

Now, evolutionary factor:

Finite lifespans favour actions that prolong the longevity and vigour of a person’s life span: their offspring more specifically.

We live long enough to procreate, and then ‘expire’ once our genes are ‘used up’ (contemporary science says telomere shortening is the mechanism responsible here)

Anonymous 0 Comments

ELI5: aging isn’t something that is ‘caused’ but a temporal process inherent to reproducing organisms living on a planet with the organic matter necessary to do so.

Less brief explanation:


The process of growth, regeneration, maturation is an energetically expensive process. Your body is acting against the laws of entropy (it’s physically and energetically simpler to just not have your body assemble at all).

As all organic forms of matter, entropy eventually wins.

Now, evolutionary factor:

Finite lifespans favour actions that prolong the longevity and vigour of a person’s life span: their offspring more specifically.

We live long enough to procreate, and then ‘expire’ once our genes are ‘used up’ (contemporary science says telomere shortening is the mechanism responsible here)

Anonymous 0 Comments

ELI5: aging isn’t something that is ‘caused’ but a temporal process inherent to reproducing organisms living on a planet with the organic matter necessary to do so.

Less brief explanation:


The process of growth, regeneration, maturation is an energetically expensive process. Your body is acting against the laws of entropy (it’s physically and energetically simpler to just not have your body assemble at all).

As all organic forms of matter, entropy eventually wins.

Now, evolutionary factor:

Finite lifespans favour actions that prolong the longevity and vigour of a person’s life span: their offspring more specifically.

We live long enough to procreate, and then ‘expire’ once our genes are ‘used up’ (contemporary science says telomere shortening is the mechanism responsible here)

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