How come we burp when we drink carbonated drinks?


How come we burp when we drink carbonated drinks?

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3 Answers

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The gas in soda is nit combined like, say, sodium and chlorine are combined to make table salt.

Instead, the carbon dioxide is “dissolved” in the water. That is to say, like mixing in sugar, the carbon dioxide has been saturated into the water so density that some of it gets trapped in between all the water molecules.

This works better at colder temperatures because water becomes a bit more dense, AND the CO2 wiggles a lot less with less energy. His makes it harder for the CO2 to slip through before freezing, becoming less dense, and driving the carbon dioxide out instead! (This is why a can is likely to explode in the freezer.)

As the CO2 particles wiggle around in the water particles, some of them start to find each other. When this happens, they sort of meet then explode apart, not wanting to be too close to each other, but still wanting to be closer toeach other than to the water. Because the particles are less dense than the water, they start to break through all the extra viscosity from chilling and syrups and float to the top, freeing more and more gas molecules as the bubble rises!

When in your relatively hot and moving stomach, you give the CO2 enough energy to escape the water and help it further by shaking the water around and giving the gasses even mire chance to escape.

Eventally, the CO2 escapes the water entirely and the gasses expand, no longer buffered by the water. Like letting go of two magnets facing the same poles, the gases push against each other and, similarly, your gut. Your body recognizes the extra pressure and releases it.

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