– how come we can remember lyrics of songs heard 10, maybe 20 years ago but we forget to remove the tea bag from the cup ?


– how come we can remember lyrics of songs heard 10, maybe 20 years ago but we forget to remove the tea bag from the cup ?

In: 2868

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just a speculation and I would welcome others’ insight.

It’s a difference of long term and short term memory. We are often taught mnemonic devices to move things to our long term memory: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally for order of operations (go America!) and singing the letters to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to learn the Alphabet.

It’s easier to remember lyrics to that song from 10 years ago because the instruments and rhythm are mnemonic devices. If I stomp my feet twice then clap ( boom boom clap ) that can trigger We Will Rock You.

Edit to add:

In theory, you could make mnemonic device to remove your tea bag. Maybe play We Will Rock You every time you brew tea.

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