How come we can’t eat off the ground while animals can?


Not saying it’s a good idea, but how come we’re so much more prone to getting a disease?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t think animals don’t get disease/parasites… but I don’t think just straight up not eating off the floor is why we don’t.

Kids chew things from off the floor all the time, and who can honestly say they’ve never applied the 5 second rule?

I think the way we farm/treat animals/refrigerate has more to do with it. We keep animals in too close quarters and so then we worry about disease spreading. We then butcher the animal and hope that everyone in every step of the way follows hygiene procedures, and then you need to follow them at home as well. That means proper hand washing, cleaning of the item at hand (or not! I’ve always heard that you should not wash a chicken because then you spray bacteria all around your sink, but many people still chose to do it. Am I right? No clue. I try my best.) refrigeration, no cross contaminating surfaces in your home, and proper cooking to kill off any bacteria. And we still sometimes get food poison anyways, so it’s not a perfect system. Food can begin to spoil before we notice.

Plus, the floor is dirty. We bring in all sorts of yuck from outside. Animals use the world as their bathroom, people spit, cough, throw cigarettes. The world is gross. So it would be wise to leave shoes at the front door.

I may be wrong, and I may be missing like 80% of the reason… but I assume this is why. I noticed no one else had posted by the time I wrote this so figured why not. Let’s toss my opinion out there.

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