How come we can’t just add X amount of gears to a transmission and have one of the most efficient cars ever?


How come we can’t just add X amount of gears to a transmission and have one of the most efficient cars ever?

In: 95

21 Answers

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That’s exactly how it is. Modern cars have automatic transmissions with more than regular 5 or 6 gears as common for manual transmission. The thing is it’s applied to automatic ones because it’d be horrible to manually switch 8-9 gears. But semi-truck (or whatever it’s called in English) drivers have way more, I believe up to 18 or something.

Btw, combustion engine cars are inefficient because of their engines which are inefficient by design. Diesel could theoretically be ~55-60% efficient, gasoline engine is even worse ~40%. That’s why electric engine with efficiency up to 99% is hella better option.

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